Friday 18 May 2012

R.I.P Nurul

Its been a while.. since my last post. The loss is really painful. Nobody said life gonna be a smooth ride. There will be lots of ups and down. Tear and laugh. Born and die. Kaklang miss nurul soo much. Tenanglah nurul di sana. Allah lebih sayangkan nurul p/s Nurul my cousin,age 12 passed away because of leukimia. ALfatihah

Wednesday 25 April 2012


xoxoxoxoxo..Frustrated nye. bila googlee baru tau buah kaffir lime tu lain sikit.
And i just buy some lemongrass seed, but not sure type sama ke mcm lemongrass yg selalu guna,sebab nama dia eastindian lemongrass. Finger cross. Frustrated juga sebab rasa geram tgk 2nd attempt to tanam lemongrass. Mcm x nak bercambah je. daun makin lama makin warna brown..Bilenye nak menghijau. So thats why beli this seed and we will see mcm mn nanti.Buah Kaffir lime yg ni pun nnti nak kena cari. And frustrated juga bile duduk negara sejuk ni tak semua benda boleh tanam kat outdoor sebab cold and snow..Arrghhhh... Geram geram...Nak je beli greenhouse skang juga.

Tuesday 24 April 2012


I have been trying to grow kaffir lime. Beli lime kat kedai tapi bila potong takde pun biji. Hmm, maybe nak kena beli lime yang kecik2.
Yang ni lengkuas, baru tanam semalam,hopefully bercambahlah.
Lemongrass. Dari last year try tanam but indoor,maybe it need lots of sun,mcm tak nampak gaya nak hidup. And last week i try tanam outdoor pulak. Dengan cuaca yg tak menentu ni hopefully it will survive.
And yang ni cuba teka apa. Its a pokok kari. I found this at hutchinsons,normally kalau jumpa daun kari takde batang just daun2 kari,but this this i just want to take chance. Tengoklah mcm mn nanti. Bercambahlah wahai pokok2.

Monday 23 April 2012

April shower

Unbelieveable. Its been raining for the past few weeks,my lawn dah jadi macam rumah tinggal. Semak jadi my back garden.Hajat nak lawnmower tapi grass basah tak kuasa lah akak. Bila sejuk sejuk ni musim hujan ni layan sup aje lah kami. Dari sup ikan ke sup ayam.Makan dengan cili kicap mmglah terangkatkan. Stock cili jeruk pun dah habis, baru lepas menjeruk so esok nak masak spagetti goreng.
Cili jeruk ku
Tinggi2 dah rumput kat belakang rumah ni
My strawberry plant,tak sangka survive winter and cold,ingat dah takde harapan. Harap2 berbuah la this this,last year takde pun.
Rose plants free dari jesmond hehe. dari scratch i tanam,ingat taknak hidup, from 6 pasu, 4 hidup,oklah tukan.
Bila hujan pokok ni menunduk je,bila panas mengembang cantik sgt. subhanallah.
Anak2 pokok cili, tanam indoor coz tak pernahsurvive bila letak luar.
Penuh window dengan plants,from cactus to aloevera to pokok keladi(apa ntah nama scientific x ingat)

Sunday 22 April 2012

Lazy sunday

Right let see.This is not my first time being a blogger.But i do hope this blog will keep active and alive unlike my others blog yang dah lama tinggal dulu dulu. Kesian kat blog lama2 i dulu hehehe. I should start by introducing the members of the teams.Me myself aka Mrs FR or Mem besar,my hubby aka Mr AR, and our 3 boys abanglong(5y1m),abangah(1y9m) and abanglang(9m).